Sunday, October 23, 2011

Good Views, Good Friends

Someone commented on one of my photos that I put on Facebook:
"Beautiful!!! God is so good to give us gifts of beauty to aid us through our journies through grief."

I've been reminded of that today as my friend Karen decided I needed a change of scenery so we hopped (not literally) into her car and drove off towards the horizon.  It was a beautiful day with blue skies and plenty of sunshine. 

Our first photo opportunity was when we drove into Kilcunda.  There is always a beautiful view at the edge of the cliff and today was no exception.  I'm thinking of even enlarging this one and having it framed.

We stopped at the chocolate factory and I enjoyed an iced chocolate and Karen had a latte.  We chatted about our friendship, life in general and recognised how blessed we are in the friends we have been given/chosen.  

Staying at Karen's home has been a respite and a refuge.  The hospitality of her family has been kind and thoughtful.  They give without rationning their kindness and all of them treat me as though I am valued and loved.   Oh, and in the gift store, I saw a Tshirt that said, "Uniquely sweet" and I thought of buying it for myself.  Only now that I've given it some more thought, perhaps it would be a good gift to give one of my uniquely sweet friends!

We looked out for koalas and only spotted a dead kangaroo on the side of the road, with its legs sticking up in the air.  We went into the township of Phillip Island and looked through a few stores that I will return to next week, when I have my purse with me and can do some Christmas shopping.

As I walked along the stone bridge towards the ocean, I wondered if that is something, someone my age should do.  Is there an age limit for climbing trees and walking on walls?  As we drove home along the coast road, we admired the ocean views, commented on the bulls, cows and sheep in the paddocks, and I discussed with Karen some of the ideas I was having that would give me 'something to do' this week. 

Of course, how much I get done will be largely determined by how much driving I don't get done.  I am so excited to be picking up my new car tomorrow.  I enjoy driving and having my own car just means that the horizon is the limit.  Driving around the coastal roads, driving over hills and bends of lush, green paddocks, cruising along in my dark green Rav4 is going to be fun.  I said to Karen that I'll be able to park my car in the bush and be camoflaged so that no one will know that I am there.  

As my friend Jamie said, "Our good Lord is an amazing painter and decorator. Such a great gift he has given to our eyes."  I am so thankful that I am able to enjoy such beauty and no matter what side of the world I'm on, there are places to walk, drive, swim or climb. 

"Life's not the breath you take,
It's the moments that take your breath away!"


1 comment:

Karen in Florida said...

Carolanne, your writing continues to be honest, transparent and precious to me. I know this journey is so very difficult; I am glad you write and share it with others so we can journey with you. God be with you today, friend.