Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting Ready To Teach Again

I've just spent 2 days at a retreat for all teaching and non-teaching staff at my new school.  Just so you know, I will not be mentioning the name of the school, where I live and where I use names, I will change them for my privacy and the privacy of others.   This year I am teaching gr 3/4 and my 'job' is only for the year but with a strong possibility that I will be asked to stay on if I should want to. 

The campsite was out in the bush, with a place to go canoeing, swimming, walking or just sitting around.  I shared a room with 2 other women.  All of the staff seem to be wonderful people and I got on well with the two teachers I shared a room with which is great as I'll be working closely with them this year.  There was a huntsman in our room last night so after it was killed, I made sure I kept my bag zipped up and I didn't take my sleeping bag out until I was ready to use it.  I did not want to be sharing my personal space with a huntsman spider!

The guest speaker talked about "Leadership" and he had some very good things to say about leadership and also about embracing change.  Some might find him a little radical but I found what he said to be refreshing and relevant.  Mostly he encouraged us to realise that we are the ones who need to make a difference and be aware that our actions and attitudes make a difference when we are dealing with change. 

Yesterday when he was talking about hurt/pain and healing and he said that we need to go to each other because God indwells every believer and encourage each other.  He said that many of the Bible verses about relationships are commands, "Encourage one another", "Love one another", "Serve one another" etc.  He said that too often, when someone is hurting, we try to fix them, mostly to make ourselves feel better when we are feeling uncomfortable.  When Job was in pain, his friends came and sat with him for a week without saying a word.  Bill said they should have done that and then not opened their mouths. 

My class is now up to 24 students with 16 of the students being in gr 3 and mostly boys. I have already packed my boxes of school things - books, teacher resources, rewards, desk/name labels and my 'teacher' chair in the car, as tomorrow (and every other school day) I have to be at school by 8:15am. I will make my lunch tonight before I crash onto my pillow. I am looking forward to the school year and I know that it is a step in the right direction.

It is not easy and at times I really struggle with the pain of losing Dave, as you will know if you are a regular reader of this blog site.  This life I have now has been at the cost of Dave's life and I would rather have Dave than this job, this home and this car but obviously that can't be so I have to move forward this way.  It still hurts.  The other day I went to my wardrobe and had to get something out of the suitcase and the 'smell' of home was there.  When my things from the US arrive, I am sure that I will have some mixed emotions and it will be bittersweet. 

Well, it's getting late and I want to make my lunch before I go to bed so goodnight and I'll write again soon.

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