Monday, January 9, 2012


I am homesick and there's no other way to describe it.  Apart from missing Dave, my family and friends, I miss home. I miss my horses, our dog Riley, even the cold weather.  I woke up wanting to go riding today because it's a nice day although a little windy, so Dee would probably be a bit frisky if she hadn't been ridden in a while.  I know it's not the same weather here, as at home, but I wish I had my own horse to go riding.  When I first wrote back to Australia about owning my horse, a couple of friends commented that they didn't know I liked horses.  I've always loved riding but didn't get much of an opportunity to ride until I married Dave and bought Dee and Stormy to be part of our home.

So today I've been scouring horse sales websites, looking for my next Dee.  I know I will need to be working so that I can afford to buy a horse and I found a place that says they had a black horse for free and with 6 months free agistment.  There must be a catch so I'll have to find out what that is.  Maybe they're not selling the horse, but promoting the free agistment.  Six months free agistment and it's only about 40 minutes (at the most) drive from here.  I will have to ask my brother or a friend to check out the horse for me since Dave isn't going to help me this time.

The book I've been reading "Horses Never Tell Lies About Love" has done nothing to diminish my desire to ride my own horse again.  It's an interesting book and tells stories of the ups and downs of breeding horses and breaking them in.  I often wish Dave had told me more anecdotes of his cowboy days but then we would have needed more time than what we had.  Reading the book has taught me about horses' personalities too and I think given me a little more understanding about  my horse Dee.  I wish I could ride her again and observe her a bit to see if I'm right about her.

When I used to bring Dee up from the back of the pasture, I had to hold her halter so that she could feel my hand against her chin and she was more co operative if I talked gently to her the whole way.  At first I thought she was moody but as time went on, I think she was shy and very patient.   We were definnitely well suited to each other. I know that Nick found her to be bossy and didn't like the way she  loaded onto the trailer when he was taking her to their place, but I think she was more frightened than he gave her credit for.

I received a package in the mail today from my step-daughter Liz and that only increased my homesickness more.  She had a toy horse in it, complete with the white blaze down it's nose and it probably looked a little like Dee.  She also had photos in the package and chocolates from Spokane and the box was a souvenir of Spokane with photos and information.  When the candy is all eaten, I will have to display the box somewhere prominent.

Well there's a lot of pros and cons that I will have to weigh up before I buy my own horse.  The major factor would be the time commitment and how much time I will have, will only be known as the year unfolds.  Obviously until I am earning money, I can't really afford to buy my own horse but it probably wouldn't hurt to make myself known to the farm that offers free agistment and has few horses for sale as well.  I just want to go riding and have my own horse.  I want to settle into my life here and have the things that I enjoyed in the States, as part of my life here, too. 

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