Thursday, January 19, 2012

Before The World Ends

After a restless night with little sleeping, I woke up and soon after discovered that the world is coming to an end and I had been completely oblivious to it.  First off, the next-door neighbour was mowing his lawn.  The mower kept cutting out and I wondered why he didn't figure out that he should use a slasher first.  Yes, the grass was long and perhaps his children saw a snake slithering through it, which caused his change of behaviour.  Next, I logged on to facebook and had three facebook friend requests, one of which was from my brother-in-law Dan.  I had to read the profile, check out his friend's list to make sure it really was him.  What is the world coming to??!!  That is when I really had to sit back and take stock of what I needed to do today before the world ended, despite the beckoning of Facebook and a good book.

I was going to eat lunch before I went shopping but I knew if I procrastinated any longer, I'd never get there. I bought myself some home-made dimsims and a sesame prawn toast when I got to the shopping centre and found a place to sit in a crowded food court.  A man came and put his bottles of diet coke down on the table, as well as a paper bag of food after he asked me if it was OK.  He spoke quietly but from what I could understand, a woman was doing the natural thing of breastfeeding (his words) and he chose to find somewhere else to sit while waiting for his wife to join him.  He kept talking to me but his voice was so quiet, I had to watch his face for cues on how to respond, whether to nod my head, or look sympathetic or smile and I have no idea what he said to me.

I bought baking pans because I don't think I have any in my things coming back from the US and I really want a chance to use my new pink Kenwood patissiere.  I also bought a garden hose and when I attached it to the outside tap, found out why it was so cheap. One of the last shopping trips Dave and I made together, was for a garden hose.  We were very particular about the cost and length of the hose and chose one on sale.  We had to choose a hose that would be easy enough to maneuver in the snow, when I had to get water to the horses and hardy enough to last through all seasons. I didn't put so much thought and care into buying this hose.

I vacuumed my car and then washed it.  As I filled the bucket with water from the laundry tap, a spider dropped into the water.  I hope it drowned before I tipped it out and that it wasn't going to crawl up into my rubber gloves that were lying in the sink.  When I was washing my car, I noticed the cobwebs around the front light and I imagined spiders crawling into the car vents and then spraying out when the air conditioner is turned on.  The car looks good when it is clean but the mosquito bites I got while outside are not good.  I am thankful for Stingose and have it applied it liberally!

Peter, the principal at the school where I'll be teaching, came around and made sure the BBQ was working and gave me instructions on how and when to clean it but it wasn't as bad as I thought, once it had heated up.  I had already scrubbed it twice before today.  He then came inside and removed my SD card from the laptop.  Unfortunately the SD card is ruined.  I have all the photos saved to the laptop but the photos I kept on that SD card were of 2011 and included wonderful photos of Dave and I on July 4th, at the rodeo, Nathan's visit, my farewell and birthday party and recent photos of the beach and friends here.  I keep them on the SD card so that if I ever want them enlarged, they are still the original pixel size.  I am a bit hesitant to put an SD card back into my laptop but after I buy a new one tomorrow, I will have to take the risk again.

Well, the world hasn't come to an end today but some firsts did occur and I am really feeling like I am beginning to pick up the pieces of my life and move forward.  I am rediscovering and reinventing who I am, what I like and what I want to aim for in life.  Speaking of which, I would love to own a couple of acres of my own one day, and have my own horse to ride.  As I move forward, my life will unfold in a different way to what I was planning with Dave a year ago but those plans are lost to me now and can't be retrieved.  Dave is a part of me and a lot of my confidence, plans and hopes, are because of who he was to me and who I grew to be, with him by my side.

Tonight, I will watch a little TV or if it gets too boring, I will continue reading my book.  I might even start baking tonight, although that will probably happen tomorrow.  I thought I'd include another photo that my sister-in-law took  on our wedding day, that was on the DVD she sent.  This is a photo of me and Dan's wife.  Dan and Rhonda, well actually all my family, have been amazing in their support of me.  I am very blessed to be as loved as I am.

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