Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Getting Things Done

Well today turned out to be a good day in that I got a lot of things done and even though I didn't get much sleep last night, I had enough energy to keep me going until a normal bedtime.  I did finish reading my book last night though. These are the things I achieved today:

  1. Washed the dirty dishes and put them away when they were clean and dry.
  2. Checked my US bank account and noticed a problem, so called them and talked to Virginia who misses me and was happy to hear from me and who, will of course, sort out my problem for me.  Called the US Insurance company who made the mistake.  I now understand why  Dave thought she 'embellishes' the truth and will say whatever she can to cover up her own mistake.  I talked to Dan and Rhonda about it so they can follow it up for the Estate concerns.
  3. Returned my faulty modem to the store and got it set up again when I got home - although I still have to call about the wireless which was the problem last time.
  4. Went to the bank and deposited some American bills I had.  It felt weird when I was handing over the money though - sorta like I was giving part of my life with Dave away.
  5. Went to KMart to return the handmixer that doesn't work. There was a long line of people waiting to return or exchange products, after the Christmas rush and only one person serving those customers.  The lady serving said the handmixer looked like it had been dropped and looked accusingly at me.  I told her that I did not drop it and she refunded the money but you could tell she didn't believe me.  There were absolutely NO handmixers left for sale so I still have the refund voucher.
  6. Went to Coles supermarket to buy some milk and diet coke.  Bought that and a packet of jam donuts.
  7. Talked to Mom and Dad Flowers on Skype which is always good.  Mom was wearing her new pjs and new, fluffy, comfortable, soft robe.  (I'm not sure she would have wanted me to share that - but oh well.)
  8. Did the washing, hung it on the line and brought it back in when it was dry, folded it and put it away.
  9. Played a few turns of "Words With Friends" on Facebook, against my good friend Sonya.  I think she's better than me, she thinks I'm better than her but we know we are an even match.  Nathan's logical reasoning on why we think the other is 'better' is because we're not used to losing so when we do lose, it comes as a surprise... or something like that.  Maybe Sonya could elaborate on that.
  10. Talked to my friend Donna who is an absolute angel and very generous towards me.  I don't even know what I have done to be treated so kindly by her. 
I had a problem and mentioned it in passing to Donna that I needed to figure out a way to get some furniture from my sister's house and bring it back here to my home.  I was thinking of hiring a van and waiting until Nathan was available, even though I could not really afford the extra funds it would take.  Anyway, Donna said "Hold on.... Wait!!" and then figured out a way that she and her husband could help me out.  I am so thankful and that's one less stress for me.

She has also insisted that I go and stay at their place on New Years Eve because she doesn't want me being alone that night. She doesn't think it would be good/healthy for me.  She just keeps giving and looking for ways to show me practical support and kindness. Wow!

Then, on New Years Day, I get to spend some time with my friend Carolyn.  (A)

I am so thankful for the friends I have over here.  I honestly don't know how I would survive if I wasn't loved so much!  They are amazing!

To top the day off, I went for a ride on my bike.  I found out that this area isn't so flat after all and when I ride for about 5 minutes, there are some hills that are challenging to my gear changes.  I hope my son Nathan and his girlfriend will bring their bikes over so we can go riding together some time.  It's fun!  I really enjoy riding my bike, once I am on it however, the motivation to take the lock off, put my helmet on, take the bike out and ride doesn't always come with the intentions. But I rode my bike for about 40 minutes tonight and it was good. Maybe I will ride again tomorrow.

Thank you for your prayers and support.  It really helps to know that people are doing what they can to show love and kindness towards me at this difficult time. Thank you.

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