Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thankful on Thursday

When I woke up this morning, the sun was already shining, the birds were singing and the peace in my heart assured me that people are praying for me.  I know that every night when I go to bed, no matter how bad my day has been, I can still look back and see something to be thankful for.  This morning after waking up, I thought about the many things that I am grateful for.  I read recently on Facebook, "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"

Last Saturday when I was having a bad day, I bought 2 magazines.  One was a "Women's Weekly" and the other was "Good Health" for women.  The Good Health magazine was a waste of money as it didn't tell me anything I didn't know and in actual fact, tried to sell products that I have no need of.  But it did have one article that interested me.  It was talking about how being cheerful is good for your health and gave an example of a woman who decided that she would photograph just one thing she was thankful for, for 365 days.  The lady was a very busy woman with a lot going on and she said some days she found it difficult to find something to be thankful for but the 'exercise' made her look for good in all sorts of places.

I thought back to when I used to keep a thankful blog.  I used to list 5 things a day.  So I've decided to keep a blog of just photographing one thing a day for which I'm thankful for.  You can find it at this link:  It's called "Thankful In The Garden".

I am feeling much more settled now that I have my own place and can be independent again.  Staying with my friends Karen and Steve was very generous of them and they always did what they could to lovingly make me feel at home, but I needed my space and needed to be able to start doing things on my own again.  I am very thankful for their friendship and support.   Today I walked a couple of times down to the store and came back with more than I needed.  It was only half an hour walk round trip and such a beautiful day that I couldn't resist walking.  If I had have driven, I would have had to do the whole 'Christmas carpark chaos' thing so walking was quicker and less costly.  Apart from saving on gas (petrol), I could only buy that for which I could carry home.

It seems like so much has happened in the last four and a half months since Dave has passed away and while I grieve for him and think of him with every breath, I still have to move forward with life.  My friend Maurine sent me an email recently that I really appreciated.  She said,

" Congratulations on getting moved into your new place – now make it your home for however long you are there.  I know Dave isn’t there with you (physically), as you would want him to be, but  remember to live in this moment and be fully present for the joys that come your way.  And you can share those joys with him – he’s still very much with you in your heart and always will be.  In his love, he always wanted the best for you, but he couldn’t always express it well in his earthly limitations. He delighted in seeing you strong and confident, so as you are taking these steps forward I know he will delight when you share your joys and triumphs with him.
You are amazing and very much loved! "

I am so thankful for being very much loved and for technology that means I can stay in touch with my family and friends no matter where they are in the world:  for Skype, Facebook, blogs, phones, emails and letters. 

Speaking of mail, today I received a letter addressed to someone I didn't know but from someone I did know. (Read it again, it does make sense.) I called Karen and told her about the letter and she called her mum and explained it to her, then Karen called me back and told me the right address and a bit about the people who the letter was addressed to.  I rode my bike down the road and handed them the letter, talked about the connection, talked about other people we knew and then I rode back home while it was still light.  It's a small world.  The couple also go to a church where an old family friend goes and they know Karen's mum and step dad Don, because they went to Bible college with Don.  Is that just a coincidence that the letter came here?

So tonight, I hope to sleep well, thankful for the friendships that God has blessed me with and thankful that He does provide all that I need.  I am thankful that He knows me and as it says in one of my favourite Psalms 139:1-6

You have searched me, LORD,
and you know me.
 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways. 
  Before a word is on my tongue
you, LORD, know it completely.
 You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay your hand upon me.
 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.

I know that as I move forward, the Lord is in front of me leading the way, beside me holding me in His love and behind me protecting me from harm.  Yes, with every breath I still wish Dave was beside me in this life, but I am thankful for the time we shared together and thankful that I had the honour of being his wife and loving him as much as I could!

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