Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Echidnas and Roses

Our dog Riley was besotted with porcupines.  Last year there were at least five times that he came home with quills around his mouth and/or in his mouth but it was as though he never learnt from his experience.  Each time he came home with them, he had to be held still while each quill was pulled out and though it was painful, it didn't stop him from doing it again.  Ahh, the lessons we could learn but don't!

Echidnas, on the other hand, are not like porcupines and they don't throw their quills.  Superficially they look a bit like porcupines and hedgehogs but echidnas are monotremes.  (egg laying mammals).  To escape danger, the echidna curls into a ball, or burrows into the ground.  I've been trying to find one to take a photo of, but I am usually driving by when one is seen.  Last Saturday, Wendy and I saw one so we turned around and took this photo of it just before it burrowed away.  Karen almost ran one over today and by the time we turned around and drove back, it had scurried away into the bushes and since it was raining a little, I had no desire to get out of the car and chase it.

Every day I get up, shower, breakfast and move through the day.  The last couple of days I have seemed to drag my feet and lacked motivation but the point is, I get through the day and usually when I am reflecting on my day before I go to sleep, I find something to be thankful for, something or someone, that had made me laugh or smile, something that in spite of my grief, reminds me that life goes on and I will get through this time.  "When...?" is the beginning of a lot of my thoughts but as it says in Eccl. 3:

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens....

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

So at this time, I am thankful for those people who email me, call me, Facebook me, skype with me and/or visit me.  I am thankful for the people who eat with me, drink with me (they have tea/coffee/latte etc while I have a diet coke), shop with me and go driving with me.  I am thankful for friends and family who smile and give me a reason to smile back and I am thankful and humbled by the overwhelming love that has been given to me without conditions and people who are there for me and not what they can receive from me.  I am thankful that people are genuinely concerned for me at this time.

Today, Karen and her grandmother were talking about roses and her grandmother was talking about how she needed to prune a dead rose off the bush.  Dave was so proud of his roses and about a week before he passed away, we had bought a plastic climber thing so that the rose could grow the right way.  On Valentines Day, he bought me a small pink rose in a little pot, then he planted it in the garden, marking it with a 'garden bird' and he tried to coax it to grow a little more.  He dug up a dead rose bush and when he found a few leaves that had shown life, he planted it elsewhere and it began to grow.  Dave loved roses and I love Dave.  I wish I had have taken a photo of Dave's rose garden when it was in full bloom.  Speaking of gardening, another one of my friend's said today, something to the effect of flowers grow more beautifully in gardens where manure/fertilizer is.  I guess I'm going to grow bloomin' well.

What is the meaning of this photo?  Karen said I took a photo of the worst part of her garden but that wasn't my purpose at all. It inspires me in my interest of photography, reminding me that I really want to do more in that area and the other thing is, I love writing.  I want to write stories of interest and haven't yet decided whether it would be adult fiction or children's fiction.  A friend today who has been reading my blogs said that I seem to have a lot to say.  All I know is that I have so much that I want to write about and there's a lot of 'fodder' there for years to come.

Maybe this blog post appears a little mismatched but there is a train of thought in there, from writing to gardening to manure, to growth. 

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