Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Days Like These

Alexander had a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day after he woke up with gum in his hair and tripped over his skateboard so he wanted to move to Australia.  Well obviously I moved to Australia where gum is a type of leaf that koalas feed off and I haven't seen any koalas yet, only dead kangaroos, echidnas and kookaburras.  I didn't even see the wallaby that visits Carolyn's place last weekend.

In the meantime, I have days that aren't anything to write home about, when my diet coke is flat but still cold, when the weather is rainy but not snowing, when I'm feeling melancholy and I moan about not having a job, my own home/space and my tangible reminders of the wonderful memories I shared with Dave. But even on days are like that, I still have blessings of love, friendship, joy and laughter.  I still have family and friends who are worth more than any gum leaves or juicy fruit gum.

On Sunday night when I arrived back at Karen's, I was feeling despondent about no job and not being able to move forward until I have one.  Yes, I know what I wrote in my last post but even knowing, still requires faith and trust which is intangible at times.  Karen turned to her husband, Steve and said, "We need to pray right now" and so we did.  The next afternoon when I was getting ready to go shopping, I received a phone call from a principal who wants to interview me tomorrow afternoon at 2pm.  I am very hopeful about this position.  My interaction with the principal has been very positive and the school is on the outskirts of the 'city' and yet close to the rural community.  The school is a good size and seems to have the resources and colleagues to ensure that I would feel very comfortable there.

I love my family!  You are all so very special to me and I am glad for phone calls and Skype.  I am glad that I am able to spend time with Nathan, driving places together and sharing on an 'adult' level with mutual love and respect.  I am thankful that my family, and those close friends who are like family to me, bring smiles and laughter into my life and your encouragement and love helps me to keep putting one step in front of the other.

Today, I found out that to change my surname to Flowers, in Australia, is going to require more paperwork and cost almost $100.  Apparently my marriage certificate, USA permanent resident card, WA state driver's licence, US social security number, Victorian Teacher's registration card is not enough proof that my last name is Flowers.  I have had 3 police checks in the last 18 months or so - 2 were Australian and still that is not enough.  I should be used to all this paperwork.  Dave hated paperwork and even though I didn't like it, someone had to do it.  

So, that's it for now.  

Just another thought, if this is the 'only' post you can read, because you came here directly from FB, then just click on the title, "The Garden Trail" and that will bring up the last 7, including this one.

Thanks for praying for me.  Thanks for thinking of me.    

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