Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Just Dave

Sometimes in the evening,
When all is quiet, the stars are out and I'm alone
Sitting here, thinking of Dave,
Thinking of my day, too.

I reflect on all that's been said and done,
I think about all the hopes and plans
I remember that tomorrow is another day
Without Dave
Tomorrow is another day to get through.

I know that God is here beside me
Holding me close and providing my every need
I am thankful for all the friends and family, too
Who are generous and kind
Who speak words of encouragement.

Encouragement =
1. to inspire (someone) with the courage or confidence (to do something)
2. to stimulate (something or someone to do something) by approval or help; support

But I just want to sit beside Dave on our recliner
I want his arm around me
I want to hear him breathing beside me
I want to feel him near me.
I want to know that when the TV show is over
We'll go upstairs
I'll lie there with his arms around me
And while he sleeps
I'll smile and be glad
That he is there with me
And that he'll be there when I wake up in the morning.

Because, when all is said and done,
Even though I have a job and a reason to live.
I want Dave alive.
I  want him here with me.
I just want my Dave, my lover, my best friend.
The man I admire and respect.
My Dave who I can talk to and confide in
Get his advice on
Who hears me and understands me.
Who is terrified of how much he loves me.
Who I love so very, very much.

I want Dave.
Just Dave.

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