Thursday, September 22, 2011

I Wanted To Tell Dave Today

I missed Dave again today which is not a surprise I know, but I missed him not being/coming home.  I worked at the Christian school today and had such a good time, as I always do when I work there.  The staff are so friendly and even the children enjoy me teaching them.  When I have worked there other times, Dave has always enjoyed me sharing with him stories about the kids and about the staff.  He was always pleased that I felt affirmed for my work there and he was glad that I felt a part of the school.

I wanted to tell him about:
  • The girl in kindergarten who wanted her 'sanitizer'.  He would have laughed about that - so different to the world we grew up in.
  • The boy in 2nd grade who kept spilling his water from the water bottle on his desk.  He couldn't find the lid so I moved the bottle to a safer place until he did find the lid.
  • The 4th grade children who cheered when they found out that I would be in their classroom tomorrow and they wanted to know if I would be bringing the koala in or if I would be bringing some Aussie music in.  (I must hunt to see if I can unpack something) When their teacher told them I was going back to Australia, they asked if "Mr Flowers" would be going with me, so she had to explain about him passing away..
  • The boy in 5th grade who kept saying, "G'day".
I wanted to tell him about how all the staff seemed so happy to see me and gave me hugs, how Shelley had to come and find me because I was a few minutes late for her class due to a couple of the other staff members who wanted to hear bits and pieces of my story, how Heidi had given me such a wonderful reference, how a few of the ladies will be coming out to my place on Sunday for a girls-only party.  I can picture the smile on his face when he heard those things.

I wanted to tell him about how I stayed at Janice's and Darwin's and how Darwin had wanted to pick his brain about something but then he'd gone and passed away and we missed that opportunity, that I had downloaded Skype for Janice so that we could stay in touch when I returned to Australia and that Darwin wanted me to read a devotional book so we could compare notes via Skype.

I wanted to tell him how both attorneys had been so good and supportive to me and one had even told me that he prayed for me daily. 

I wanted to tell him how Maurine had helped me figure out a 'plan of attack' for the days leading up to the Estate Sale and how she'd given me some very practical ideas and how much her friendship has meant to me.....

I wanted to tell him so much!  I wanted to really tell him how blessed we are in the friendships we have here in our little niche in this world.  When I came home Riley came bounding towards me and the neighbour who had looked after him the night before came and checked up on me, too.   It has been so incredible to me to discover how loved I am, how many wonderful, loving people have embraced me at this grieving period in my life.  If I haven't mentioned your name here, it doesn't mean that your name hasn't crossed my heart - it has more than a time or two.  But right now, I just wish Dave was home so I could tell him all these things.  But then, if he was home, I wouldn't be online typing at this time of night when I really need to go to bed because I am working tomorrow... and I'm looking forward to that!

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