Friday, April 13, 2012

Why Blogging

This blog was intended to be nothing more than a reflection of my thoughts and actions as I journeyed along the garden trail of my life without my beloved Dave.  It was a place for me to come and share from my heart, my grief, my hope, my blessings and my memories as I moved forward on my own.  As I have shared honestly, some family and friends have been encouraged and have encouraged me as they walked beside me and prayed for me.  That was a side benefit of the blog but it wasn't the reason I blogged.  It wasn't about anyone else.

Sometimes comments people have made, have made me feel that I need to be careful and choose my words and make my blog posts positive even when I wasn't feeling that way.  Grieving isn't warm sunshine and blue skies and yet, on the whole, I have tried to turn blog posts into positive reflections so as not to make others feel uncomfortable.  Dave often told me that I should pay less attention to what others think and say but that's easier said than done.  I want people to feel good and to like me.  I don't like to offend and hurt other people's feelings so when words are said to me, I sometimes mull over them and give them more credence than they deserve.

Opening up my heart and sharing honestly makes me vulnerable and open to being hurt by others.  Considering the stuff I am dealing with in my life, all the changes etc that I am having to make, the rebuilding of my life, I do not feel that it is wise to continue blogging about my journey of grief.  I was talking with one of my good friends last night and she said, "Don't ever wipe it out as if it didn't exist and it's up to us and others to try to understand. You don't have to worry that people don' have enough to do just with getting over the loss "

So I am going to take a break for an indefinite period of time while I focus on what I need to do to move forward in my life and rebuild what I have lost.  Perhaps I will write from time to time but I make no promises.  Thank you for your love and support.  Please continue to pray for me because walking along this garden trail is not easy in any shape or form.

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