Friday, April 27, 2012


During school today, one of the CRTs (teacher subs) asked me what I was doing after work and informed me that she had booked a squash court for almost 2 hours and wondered if I'd like to go and have a hit with her and her sister.  At first I was hesitant, but then decided it was a great idea.  I used to play competition squash until it closed down in the town I lived at - about 5 or so years ago.  Dave used to say that squash was a boring game even though I don't think he had ever really played it.

I made sure that I got everything done that needed to be done and then we drove back to my place so I could change into more appropriate clothes and I followed her to the courts as I wasn't sure where they were.  We walked in and I was introduced to the owner/manager and I had a great chat to her while Vanessa and her sister warmed up and had a hit.  I signed up and paid my membership because I remember how much I used to enjoy playing squash.  Vanessa had given me a squash racquet as she had quite a few and this one hadn't even been used.  I bought a thicker grip and as Vanessa and I played, I began to remember how to play.

Hit the ball down the walls.
Run to the "T".
Serve it into the back corner.
Drop it in front if your opponent is in the back.
Keep your eye on the ball.

Keep your eye on the ball.  Don't be distracted by what shot you will make next or what shot you made last time.  Focus.  Vanessa and her sister have been playing for years - since they were little but they hadn't played in about 6 months.  They are almost half my age but I enjoyed myself.  It was good to get back on the squash court.  The manager told me to make sure I take it easy on myself because I haven't played for so long. Squash can be a challenging and exhausting game and perhaps I will wake up tomorrow a little bit sore but it was worth it.
Vanessa's friend called to cancel their dinner plans so she and I went to the fish n' chip shop that is run by the parents of one of my students.  "Mum" thanked me for the work I was putting into helping her son and then told me to do whatever it takes to get her boy working hard.  The fish n' chips are always good there and after we ate, Vanessa and I swapped photos and even watched the Hamish and Andy DVD "Gap Year" and caught a glimpse of Dave and I at the combine harvester's demolition derby.  It was good to be able to talk about Dave and share memories of him with new friends.

It was a good night and I look forward to playing squash again weekly.  Eventually I will buy my own racquet and a pair of squash 'runners'. (sneakers)  I didn't need those in the States so hadn't kept my own.  I wonder what ever happened to the one (or 2?) trophies I had won in squash comps.

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