Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Four D's and 2 More.

Dedication is what it takes to get my study done. After I submitted my two major assignments, I decided to take a short, congratulatory break but as the days went by, I began to panic and feel overwhelmed that I was getting too far behind and would never catch up. It's sort of like a catch 22 because I was getting behind by not doing it. I realised that I often respond like that, even in other situations. If I feel overwhelmed because I have a lot to do I will procrastinate. However, If someone comes alongside me and encourages me in a practical way, it only takes a moment and I get back into it again.

Last week I decided to hit the books again and set out a plan for myself of what I wanted to get done each day. As I did the readings, I realised I wasn't as far behind as I had imagined and I also remembered how interested I am in both subjects. Today I am up-to-date in one subject and tomorrow, I will be caught up in the other. It's a relief because I also need to get started on the assignments which are due in 4 weeks for one and 5 weeks for the other.

Dentist Like most people I know, I don't like going to the dentist and I will put it off for as long as I can. However, putting off going when one has a toothache doesn't help the toothache go away. Yesterday as I was lying back in the dentist chair, listening to the rumble and whirr of the drill, the swish of the suction hose and the scraping of another tool the dentist was using, I actually thought how thankful I am for the progress of dentistry in the last 20 or more years. The dentist explained to me what she was going to do, what needed to be done and I even got a numbing cream put on the tooth before it was injected.

However, because I had not gone to the dentist sooner, it is probable I will need a root canal done. Over the next couple of days, if the pain is unbearable, it will mean the nerve has been permanently damaged. The dentist did medicate the tooth area so it is possible that it will heal and if that happens, she will put a permanent filling in. I will go to the dentist early next week for a check up and clean and we'll discuss the options for that tooth. It will be expensive and I don't have private health cover but better to pay now than to let it go on and on and have to pay even more then.

Dog Milly is doing well and when I took her to the vet earlier this week, the vet remarked that Milly is the best behaved puppy she has seen in a very long time. She told me to continue training her the way I do so when I figure what I do to train her, I will continue doing it that way. I really do think I just got lucky that Milly is so compliant. She has put on 5kgs (11lbs) in the last five weeks which apparently is very normal for a puppy of her age and breed. Today, when I was having a break from study, it was good to go outside into the sunshine and throw a ball for Milly to fetch. She is a good puppy.

Day is done and night is here along with some wind, rain and distant thunder. Life seems to be going OK for me at the moment. Of course I still miss Dave and think of him daily but I am feeling settled at this moment. I am thankful for the blessings in my life and the direction I seem to be headed.

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