Friday, May 10, 2013

Mothers Day 2013

I just reread the blog post I wrote for Mother's Day last year. It's interesting to read and reflect on the steps forward I have taken and also to see God's hand in leading and guiding me on this journey. On one of my assignments, the lecturer added a personal comment welcoming me to the new area and said, "I hope things have settled for you after such a big transition!" He also gave me some positive feedback about my assignment and helpful advice plus a "B"! I was so excited. It's been a big few months with moving interstate, starting at university after a 25 yr break and learning so many new things but I am so thankful that everything seems to be falling into place.

As Mother's Day approaches, I am reflecting on what that day means. My mum passed away in June 1999 and the first few years after that, I 'hated' Mother's Day.  I missed mum so much and for me, Mother's Day was about her. People would say to me that since I had a young son, I should enjoy it for him but it took a while for me to see me as the 'mother' for Mother's Day. It got easier as Nathan got older and we could do things together. Last year, Nathan and I went horse riding together, the year before, he wasn't around but I was with Dave and the year before that, we spent the day together and he 'built a bear' for me which was a kangaroo. He chose the clothes, the sounds and filled out the adoption papers for the kangaroo, with his cousin Pete who also had lunch with me that day.

This year, I am on my own so I decided I would go away for the weekend rather than sit at home and feel alone and sorry for myself. I am going to go horseriding and will walk along the beach. I will be back in time to Skype with Nathan and then on Mother's Day in the States, I will talk to Mom Flowers. I am so thankful for Mom Flowers. The other day I was talking to her and she shared about her difficulty understanding why she and Dad had outlived Dave and I had to say that I am thankful because I know Mom and Dad Flowers pray for me every day and want the best for me. I am thankful that I am their 'baby girl' and I am part of their family.

God has blessed me so much!
So, this Mother's Day, although I am on my own, I am thankful for my Mum, for Mom Flowers and for being a Mum to Nathan.

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