Sunday, February 24, 2013

Part of My Journey

My house is almost completely empty and my heart is eager to begin the next part of my journey. Tomorrow I hit the road and head north to the next chapter of my life. I am excited and at peace about this new part of the garden trail and believe that this is where I am meant to be. A good friend sent me a message recently:

".. I am happy to know you have something to work on that is positive for you. I believe the pressure to change course will take you to a better and more fulfilling job in the future. Something that you have had on your heart for sometime...I look forward to following your progress because you do the work well and the needs of our  youth are great."

I am so aware of the encouragement and support I have been getting from friends and family  who love me and who are also a part of my journey. I have been richly blessed to have such an amazing group of people who embrace me with their kindness, surround me with their love and who do all they can to walk beside me, some of those are even from the other side of the world. Those people take an interest in who I am, they get to know me and they respond accordingly. I have had friends who have shared meals with me, friends who have helped with packing (which is an overwhelming job when you're  on your own) and friends who have seen needs and 'fixed' it for me. If you are one of those friends, then thank you so much!

When I got confirmation from the Uni this year that I had been accepted into the Master of Education program, I was so excited and relieved. It was confirmation that I was headed in the right direction. I was even more excited than I thought I would be. I now have a direction in which to head and have not had that for some time. In the past, I have felt like I was just marking time, existing to get through each day but now I see a purpose for getting up in the mornings and living each day.

A wise friend recently said to me, "Don't be surprised if you get there and you have a melt down even though things are going great!" and I confessed that had already happened. Not long after I announced that I had received confirmation I had been accepted into the Masters program, I started crying because I missed Dave. We had talked about me taking this step together and now he wasn't here to share it with me. A friend said, "He would have been so  proud of you!" and I replied, "I know. That's one of the reasons I wish he was here now." I want to see his eyes light up and feel him hug me. It's such a wonderful step forward. (I wish I could add "for both of us.")

I am not expecting to get much sleep tonight. I have packed my car for as much as I can and it won't take long for me to finish it off in the morning. I hope to be gone by 10am and won't need to stop and take photos along the way this time. Since all my stuff was picked up yesterday, I am eager to get going myself.  I want to 'get this show on the road'. I had a nap this afternoon. I usually don't succumb to naps if I want to sleep at night but I knew I would be too excited to sleep, I will be lying in bed thinking "I hope morning comes soon. I want to get going..."

So please pray safe travelling for me, that I find my own place quickly, that my stuff arrives safely and that things continue to fall into place. I know they will. I am confident that the Lord who has never once left me on my own, will be faithful for this time, too.

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