Sunday, April 21, 2013

Friends, Friends, FunFabulous Friends!

What a wonderful weekend I've had! (Which translated means I got to spend time and have fun with friends and some family). It all started last Wednesday with the finishing of my assignments. I was relieved to get them in on time although I think that the last 300 words of the 2nd assignment may not have made much sense because I got to a point, I was just scrounging for words to reach the minimum. I think I should pass and at least I will be able to see where I need to improve in for next time. After I submitted them, I felt quite relieved and tired but when I tried to sleep that night, my brain was working overtime.

Thursday was a great day with more social activities including an interview at another school and meeting another principal who has a good approach to Christian education, too. I had lunch with my good friend Sharyn and headed to the store to buy a new lawn mower which was meant to have arrived on Wednesday. The man apologised because it hadn't come in yet so I wondered out loud to him what I was supposed to do as the grass was getting long (translated: might contain snakes) and I had my housewarming coming up on Saturday. He filled one of their mowers up with fuel, put it in the car for me and away I drove. I didn't get a chance to mow it until Saturday morning as I worked Friday.

Friday was a good day working in the 5/6/7 classroom, meeting new teachers/friends and enjoying teaching. I rushed home to do baking, cleaning etc in order to get ready for the housewarming. The housewarming was well attended by about 18 people and most of those were friends I had had for years. It's so nice when people stay in your life, or come back and just take up from where you left off. My friends are loyal, fun, supportive, encouraging and I enjoy being with them. On Saturday afternoon, the guys got to teasing me about my lack of professional mowing skills, later on a few of us were sitting around discussing farm life, dairy farm, government and just general life stuff. My friends hadn't met each other but when they did, they got on very well, which was no surprise to me! One new friend brought me 7 individual meals to freeze so that I don't have to cook for a week! No one's ever done that for me before and I appreciated her thoughtfulness.

On Sunday morning two of my friends who had stayed the night in a motel turned up for breakfast just as I was talking to Mom and Rhonda Flowers. I am so thankful for Skype and for the love and kindness my family show to me, their support and prayers are invaluable. My friends and I enjoyed breakfast and were sitting around the table talking when I looked at my watch and realised it was nearly 12. I was meeting a friend at the beach so I hurried them out the door, gave the dog a bone (literally) and drove off. It was a beautiful day, blue skies, sunshine, white sand and surf. It was good to be able to walk bare foot on the sand, then walk in the water. However, as we walked around we had to walk around a wall  on one side and water on the other, except the water came up to the wall and when the waves came in, they splashed up on us. I got soaking wet to my hips and my phone which was in my pocket, got wet and later wasn't working. But of course, I didn't notice that at the time and we kept walking. I had my camera and took a couple of photos but it was just nice to walk in the water, conversation flowing and enjoy each other's company.

As I drove home, singing along to the music playing on my iPad, I reflected on the week and gave thanks that I am so blessed by good friendships. My son sent me a message and said, "Glad you have such a supportive network around you" and I am glad too, I am also thankful for music and that I am singing again. I feel settled, content and feel like I have a purpose and direction for my life.

Thank you for your love and support. God is good. All the time.

I love watching waves crash and splash around the rocks.

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