Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday in December

It's been a wonderful weekend and it's not quite over yet.  Nathan is still here and I am enjoying having him around!

This morning Nathan and my housemate came to church with me and it was so good to be able to worship with my son standing right next to me. The sermon was good and was based on Acts 2. An interesting thing the pastor said was that the people responded to the Lord's invitation. They didn't meet together or do things so that they could have the Holy Spirit in their life. They responded to the Holy Spirit being in their life. It is all about relationship.

Once again I heard one of my favourite songs and tears softly fell. The chorus is:

You are the God who lives,
You are the God who heals
You are my hope my everything
You brought salvation to us

Offered your peace to the earth
You are my Lord my everything

How true those words have become in my life!

After church we went and had lunch and headed down to the beach. It wasn't a beautiful sunny day but one of my colleagues / friends from school was getting baptised in the ocean and I wanted to be there for her. It was such a joy to witness her baptism and the baptisms of people from her church. The first lady to be baptised was over 80 years old and she hadn't brought any warm clothes and only a hand towel, so Nathan went and got my picnic rug from the car and took it and wrapped it around her after she came out of the cold water. He said to me, "Mum, she's such a sweet, cute old lady".

Nathan drove my car so that he could get more experience driving a manual. He got stuck at an intersection, stalling every time he took the handbrake off (it was on a hill) until finally I asked him, "Do you have it in first?" Oops. Well, that's the way to learn I guess.

I went and caught up with two of my favourite colleagues at school as I had to print out the last subject of my reports and then Nathan and I went shopping for a star to sit on the top of our Christmas tree. Tomorrow is Orientation Day at school which is a day all the students look forward to as they find out who their teacher will be next year. I am so thankful to have my reports completely finished and I am pretty much prepared for this coming week.

It's going to be a good week tinged with a little sadness as the school year ends and goodbyes are said, books are packed and we all move forward to the next chapter.

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