Friday, November 20, 2015

Just Briefly

What about change?
It isn't rare
I've had enough
Now I want to share
Can't you see
I want to stay
But it's just time to move again
What about change....

It's a heat wave here at the moment and Milly is conked out on the floor, Andy is reading quietly beside me, the crickets are a-cricketing and I'm tapping at the 'puter keyboard, feeling somewhat overwhelmed but mostly having a lot of mixed emotions. It's almost the end of the school year and in fact, in two weeks time, I will be on holidays and finished work at the current primary school I am at. I've finished writing student reports and am also preparing for the Grade 6 graduation evening. Within the next two weeks, I would have attended the end of year presentation night and the staff Christmas break-up. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the class I've had this year and the one I had last year, are definitely two of the best I've ever had. It's been a real blessing to share good times with them, watch them grow in their learning and maturity, as well as walk alongside them through tough times and good times.

Change is imminent yet again (she sighs) and I make plans, once again, with my hands (somewhat) open to the fact that plans do have a way of changing. Andy and I are about to move further north to a warmer climate and closer to the beach, as I start at another school, teaching Grade 3/4 in 2016 which I will 'love' according to the new principal. 

I am looking forward to the new position, the new people I will be friends with and my new environment.
I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to the people who have meant so much to me over the last couple years. You would think that by now, I had this down 'pat' but I don't. I was listening to a few of my grade five students talk about next year, before they knew I was leaving, and I almost cried. 

I know this is for the best and there's a part of me that wants to be 'there' now but I think that might be because I would prefer to skip the packing, the removalists, and the goodbyes. 

Two more weeks.
A lot of unpredictable things could happen in two weeks but I hope not. 

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