Sunday, June 16, 2013

Climb Every Mountain

Last year in January, Nathan and I walked to the Pinnacle in the Grampians. It was a Medium/Hard Grade with an elevation of 280m. (approx. 918') It was also in the middle of the day with temperatures at about 40 Celsius (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit). It was hard work and we took plenty of rests and drank from our water bottles. As people passed by and as we passed others, we stopped for rests and chatted with them. The view at the top was magnificent and the sense of accomplishment was also satisfying. We took photos and began our descent. Getting to the top was hard work but going down was hard too. My knee acted up and I actually would have preferred going uphill. Nathan offered to help me but I don't know how to lean on someone else when walking and we finally made it back down to the carpark.

The reason I am telling you this story is to tell you that's how it is for my life. Getting to the place I am at hasn't been easy and it has been full of heartbreak. I can feel positive from this place because I look back and see how God has turned around things for good and I am surrounded by people who love and accept me, doing things I enjoy such as teaching and learning and I have a lifestyle that suits me for now. It has been a hard climb getting here but I am not at the pinnacle yet and I still need to keep moving forward.

I received a phone call today that caused me to take a step back. I am sure the person was well-meaning (Aren't they always?) but it still hurt. As I stepped back, I looked around at my friends and family and felt envious. So many of them are in happy marriages and live a settled life. They have someone to wake up next to and someone who will walk through their life holding their hand, listening to their thoughts and dreams, comforting them, encouraging them and moving forward together. They are living out their dreams and plans and although they might add a few other incidentals in, their lifestyles will stay basically the same whereas I have only an idea of where I will end up and I am still striving forward to the place where I can stay settled.

Having said that, I am where I belong right now. The other day when I went out for dinner on Dave's and mine wedding anniversary, I had 9 other women friends come and join me. I am so humbled and grateful (and somewhat overwhelmed) for the love they show me. They value me for who I am, they are genuine, they love life and they want me to be a part of theirs. They laugh at my jokes, they want to get to know me better and they give me hugs just because they want to. One of my friends last Wednesday, picked up a water bottle off the table to use as her 'microphone' and sang "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll love you tomorrow" in the restaurant. My phone got swept up so that they could get my phone number into their phones but as I pointed out to one of them later, they forgot to give me their phone number.

I have met about 5 neighbours (families) who live in the same street as me. One family invited me over for a roast lamb dinner last Sunday and her husband cooked. They have asked me to tutor their 15 yr old daughter but we'll see. I'm not sure I can do Yr. 10 work and I will have to see how it fits in with my study and work load. Mother and daughter came over today for me to check over her assignments that are due in tomorrow and then they both stayed to play with Milly. When I am away, they will be checking my mail for me and keeping an eye on the place. I hope they pick some of those yummy Navel oranges that are growing in my backyard. I assume they are yummy but I haven't tried them yet.

I submitted my final assignment in last Friday and the sense of relief was wonderful but along with the sense of relief was also the sense of accomplishment. I did it! Not only  have I moved interstate on my own, but I have completed two subjects on the way to getting my Masters done and I have also been given a job at a great place to work. I am looking forward to working there full-time.

So yes, at the moment I am enjoying the view, in some ways, revelling in the life that I have because it is full of goodness. At the same time, I am aware that there are still more mountains to climb and there's a part of me that also looks back on the past, sees the heartache there and wonders if all the good I have now, is going to be taken away from me again, just as it was less than two years ago. It is so important to make the most of every day and to make sure the people you love know that without a doubt. My lecturer in educational counselling told me I was 'pro-active' in living my life and I guess that does about sum up how I feel. I am not about to let life just happen and nor am I willing to miss out on all that I can do. I want to make the most of this life and I choose to do what I can to make it all that it's supposed to be.

It's getting cold here at nights, sometimes down to 0 and -1 or -2 (Celsius) but it warms up to at least 18C. I have learned to make a roaring fire, I can drink a cup of hot Mocha and I can snuggle up in the snuggly that Dave gave me as a birthday present. I am choosing to live life to the fullest. God gave me strengths, He has given me so many blessings and I am thankful for today.

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