Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hope and Dreams

Recently I was feeling a bit discouraged and as I drove home from church, had a conversation with God about it, asking Him to tell me what I was supposed to do next year and reminding Him of all the likes, dislikes and passions I have.  With only 6 weeks until the end of this school year, it would be nice to make plans and have something definite for 2013.  When I first started applying for jobs, it was easy to trust that God had it all in control and that He would provide what I needed in His perfect timing.  However, I'm sure it's become evident to anyone reading this blog, that I feel that I am ready to put down roots and start moving forward with life.  I am thankful for this past year, for the time it has given me to get back on my feet financially and also finding out who I am again.  It's given me the opportunity to remember all the things I enjoy and helped me to know what plans are realistic enough for me to dream. I know this year hasn't been a waste of time at all.

After church, I was talking to my good friend Sonya, sharing with her how I felt about all this and her encouraging words were: God has a plan for you, to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you HOPE and a FUTURE!

Sometimes it is hard to keep hoping for something that is uncertain even though Hebrews 11:1 says that "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." 

When Sonya had stopped chatting with me, I went to check my email and a principal had emailed me, asking me if I was intending to apply for a teaching position at his school and that he would be happy to receive my application within the next few days.  I emailed him back with my resume and references and on the following day, posted my application form, as well as those resume and references. 

Having researched the area and looked at real estate, I would really, really love to get a job there. I could even afford to buy a house in that area.  I've picked one out which has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a workshop and a carport as well as an above ground pool.  It is set on two acres.  Whenever I've thought about buying, I've always thought two acres would be ideal.  First, I would buy myself a puppy so I can train it and I'd prefer a border collie x golden retriever or something similar in temperament, then I would buy my horse.  Even though it is not close to the beach, it is close to the bush and I could go riding which would more than make up for not being able to walk along the beach.  If the weather wasn't good, I could just groom my horse.

I would love to have my own house.  I was talking to Mom Flowers about it and she said it would be a lot of work.  When Dave and I were first married, he was gone for five to ten days of truck driving, so I learned how to check fences and repair them if necessary, I mowed acres and acres of yard (slight exaggeration) and looked after the horses, the dog and my darling step daughter. I know I can do this and I also know it is what I want.  It would be a dream come true if I was to get the job as well as the house and land.  It is in a warmer climate, so my egg chair would be perfect in the back yard too.

Yesterday, I spent the day with my friend Donna and I shared my news with her.  We went to the beach and looked into the stores along the main street.  Being in a renowned surf and fishing area, there were lots of beach type products for sale, such as surfboards, fishing equipment and outdoor furniture. 

I bought a mirror. The mirror is symbolic of the hope and dreams I have and will go in the bathroom of the house that I buy.  I also  bought a wooden lighthouse which will find a place in my home to represent my love for the beach.  If you are so inclined, please pray that I will know very soon what I will be doing next year and that in the meantime, I will be patient and not get discouraged.

P.S. The mirror is about one metre high and about 75 cm wide.  I didn't measure it so that's my 'guess-timate'.

1 comment:

Danni said...

The mirror is perfect - big and pretty like you!!!