Sunday, November 11, 2012

Creator God Made Me

The sand is warm and soft beneath my feet, the sun is shining on my face and the wind plays with my hair as I walk along the beach.  I can hear the waves crashing and splashing while seagulls glide over the surface of the water.  The sky is blue and the sea is turquoise with tips of white, frothy water rolling over the sand.  Oh how I love this place!

When I am here, I know how great my Father God is.  I can see His power and creativity displayed before me.  He is here with me, holding me, loving me and reminding me that He is totally in control.  He knows my thoughts and the desires of my heart and He doesn't ignore those in the plans He has prepared for my future.  After all, He made me like this and put those interests, desires and talents within me for a purpose.

As I sit here on the sand, facing the ocean, I am at peace.  The things that are worrying me, the memories that bring tears, the uncertainty of my future all fade momentarily into insignficance while I focus on the beauty of this place.  I pause in my writing to breathe in the sea air and I look up and watch a seagull fly effortlessly across the blue sky. A dog barks as he chases the ball his master threw.

Yesterday, after a rough sleepless night, I was listening to one of my CDs and heard lyrics that reminded me that:

God is in control
We believe that His children will not be forsaken
God is in control
We will choose to remember and never be shaken
There is no power above or beside Him, we know
God is in control

He has never let you down
Why start to worry now?
He is still the Lord of all we see
And He is still the loving Father
Watching over you and me

It's been awhile since I've had a tearful night such as that but I do still miss Dave and the uncertainty of tomorrow combines to make me fret. 

A good friend told me that a teaching position on the coast may be opening up next week and it is also in an affordable place for me to live.  There's even a property with 5 acres including a horse stable and dam for sale.  My heart wonders, "Can I have it all?  A nearby coastline, rolling green hills, as well as a few acres for a dog and a horse?"  God knows my heart and my desires.  He knows the best place for me and has it all in control.

Now, I need to walk along the coast and continue to enjoy the sounds, sights and smells of the beach.  It's warm enough that I may even paddle my feet in the shallows.

Here is a treasure I found along the beach today.

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