Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Helpless Female, I Am Not

On Saturday afternoon, I excitedly headed for Bunnings (similar to Lowes USA) under the guise of buying a plunger so I could unblock the kitchen sink.  I strolled up and down the aisles, looking at garden tools, drills and whipper snippers (weed eaters).  I looked at the wheelbarrows and even garden outdoor settings, including BBQs and an egg chair that was similar to mine but cost much more than mine did.  I walked out of the store with the plunger, a garden fork (with an ergonomic grip), weed killer, BBQ cleaner and gardening gloves.  I came home and unblocked the sink and did a little victory dance!

The next day I went to the show and got to watch bull riders with one of my friends, Vernessa.  At the show, we could get a lot closer to the bull rings than at the rodeos in the US and it all seemed a bit too close at times when you can see the whites of the bull's eyes and watch them paw the ground before charging at one of the 'rodeo angels'. We listened to an Aussie bush band play, bought a show bag, sampled licorice and took a ride on the roller coaster.  It was a good time.

Today, I was talking with my colleague about putting up tents as we are having a sleep over with our classes and she commented that we would need to put them up ourselves.  I acted horrified and asked why we had to do it.  I asked, "Don't you just bat your eyelids at your husband and get him to do it for you?"  She replied, "I like to be able to do things for myself sometimes and not play the helpless female."  I said I have no option but to do things by myself and it gets a bit 'old' at times.  I want to be able to play the helpless female.  (The conversation wasn't exactly like that but I'm sure you get the gist of it.)  I recalled a time two years ago when my step daughter and I had gone camping and we weren't sure how to put up the shade.  We sat there at the table in the sunshine with the shade beside us, until two guys camping nearby came and finished putting it up for us. (The photo was taken at the camping spot with Dianne.)

I came home from work and got online to pay the bills and check emails and fill out the voting form for the local elections.  I feel a sense of achievement when I do mundane things like paying bills and unclogging sinks but I also feel a sense of loss. 

The weather is warmer this week.  I love summer and being able to be outdoors doing things like walking along the beach and riding my bike.  On the other hand, it also reminds me that the end of the year is drawing near and with that, the uncertainty of what and where I will be next year is also nearer.  One of the conversations in the staffroom today was centered around a young couple who have made plans and others responded that plans are never set in concrete and life can sometimes mess those plans up. I thought about the plans Dave and I had made and now plans feel like wheat that is held loosely in the hand.  The wind comes and blows the wheat into the wind and it is no more.  

Plans can be made but sometimes plans need to be remade when life changes.  Just remember to enjoy each day and love the people who are in your life now.  Don't keep a record of their wrongs, instead give them a hug and move forward with them while you still can.  Whether he squeezes the toothpaste from the bottom of the tube or the middle, whether she can bake the best chocolate cake or not, in the end, is nothing compared to the love you can share and enjoy for as many moments as you have life.

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