Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Packing Boxes

This year our Christmas tree was a moving box and not even packed, at that! Surrounded by boxes filled and waiting to be filled, I was not feeling like I wanted to celebrate Christmas. Stores were crowded and as Christmas loomed closer, I stayed home rather than be jostled around aisles by busy shoppers or be frustrated by cars that turned without indicating and aggressively squeezed their metal bodies into spots other cars were waiting for. T'was two nights before Christmas when I made up my list of "Why I don't feel like celebrating". I had the attitude that who cares if I've been 'naughty or nice', I think I deserve some peace at this time of year. I went to bed wanting Christmas to be over, boxes to be packed and everything to be 'settled'. 

As I waited for sleep to fall, I did some thinking. (Shock. Horror. I know. Not a surprise.) I decided that I needed to bring Christmas into my home and needed to change my attitude and so the morning when I got up, I cleared the kitchen table of packaging tape, documents and receipts, other stuff, Christmas cards and shortbread biscuits. I dug out the Christmas tablecloth, wrapped presents and placed them on the table. It was amazing how doing that, helped me to get excited about Christmas and helped me take stock of all the reasons I have to be thankful at this time. Christmas lasted a few days and we chose not to pack boxes over that time.

Now we are back into the mode of packing boxes, memories and dreams and sorting through the stuff that we want to keep, need to put bubble wrap around so it doesn't break, give to someone else who would find it more useful and/or throw out the bits that are broken and useless. Yes, I am talking literally and figuratively. It is an emotional time for me as I sift through all of my stuff collected over the years. I found a letter my mum wrote for me just after my son was born, I found my son's first attempts at a signature when he was 5 years old, a little teddy bear a past student had sewn up for me, memorabilia of when I taught (and was head of campus/then principal) for a total of 7 years at a small Christian school, photos of my time in the US, as well as letters and cards from people who love me. All of those things brought back memories of times of hopes, plans and dreams. There have been tears and smiles and those memories are also poignant reminders of how dreams were not fulfilled.

I am so thankful for how Andy has supported me over these last couple of days. At times, he has packed in a different room to give me space and other times, he has talked with me as I deal with the churned up emotions and memories. He has sat close and listened and he's gone outside to throw a ball with Milly or to sort through some of the storage boxes we've kept outside. I found a few of our wedding photos and showed them to him and he replied, "We looked so much younger then!" It will be our 2nd year wedding anniversary on the day that we leave here and go to our next chapter. I laughed and admitted that we did, or maybe we looked more relaxed and ready for whatever our future held.

It's quite exciting to see how this next chapter of our lives has fallen into place. I applied for a job at the last minute and after an interview, was accepted for the position with some enthusiasm. After a very relaxing holiday, we drove up to the new area we'll be, looking for a place to rent. During that time, the removalist company called and asked us hypothetically, whether we could move a week earlier than planned. 

Slightly panicked, Andy called the minister as his phone number had been given to us by our home group leader here and we were invited for dinner and reassured that if we had to come up a week earlier, he could arrange for someone to be there when the removalist came so that we could still fulfill all our appointments here. Another couple were also at dinner and they are going to be my colleagues at my new job. They all told us what the area was like and Andy felt much reassured. The removalist called the next day as we signed the forms for our new rental place which we like a lot and told us that we would still be leaving on the original day, not a week earlier. 

So, in between packing boxes, getting rid of stuff we don't need and wondering what the new year will bring, we also get to celebrate the new year beginning and farewell the wonderful friends we have here, go to our dentist who we both like and might have missed except we were told the dentist to where we are going is that good too, I get to have nuclear treatment on my thyroid and hopefully, we can book in to see my hairdresser one last time too. She did say that she'd be willing to fly up to do my hair if I paid for her flight ticket. 

The thing about leaving that is hardest is having to say goodbye. On Christmas night, we went to my friends' home. Sharyn and I have been good friends for almost 30 years and we have proven that distance doesn't break friendships. For all of the time we've been good friends, we've only lived geographically close for about one fifth of that time but I still remember when I walked into their home 3 years ago (almost to the day) that it felt like coming home. Facebook, email and phone make it easier to stay in contact and Andy and I will always have a home where our loved family and friends can have a place to stay.

As we head into 2016, we look forward to the next chapter of our lives. Just like any chapter, it will have its ups and downs, hard times and good times, be full of laughter, love and fun. Let's hope that there is more of the latter and less of the challenges! For you and for me! 
Ahh... The serenity of it all!

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