Sunday, October 5, 2014

Time to be Content

I got my assignment handed in on time - by the bare split of a few minutes but at least it was done. I am not confident about my results so if I pass, that will be a bonus. Since then, I've been catching up on the readings for the next module in preparation for the quiz that will be taken next week before the 18th October. After that, I have one more assignment due in on 29th October and then that subject will be done and I'll only have three more subjects to go. I should be finished my Masters halfway through 2016. As I was scrolling through the class notes, expectations and schedule, I saw a note that the lecturer had added:

 "You are nearly done so stay positive and focused. When negative self talk causes you to question your capacity to do a task, remind yourself of how many tasks you have done in other areas of your life and in your learning journey. You have been successful before and you can be here as well."  

 How timely that bit of advice was and it covered how I was feeling so well! I keep pacing myself, reminding myself that I am more than half way through my course and that I can do it. The lecturer said to remind yourself of what you have achieved in the past. In the last five years, I have sometimes felt like I've been tossed about as though in a washing machine then hung out on the line until dry and ready to move forward. Now I feel like I have my feet firmly planted on the ground and am taking steps towards goals that include getting my Masters of Education in a field that I am passionate about, (counseling children), living a life that I enjoy balancing work, sport, home-life and I  must admit that for the most part I am content. Sure it would be nice to live closer to the beach and nice to have our own place but I have enough for now.

 I started off this by giving dates. Dates and times have always been important to me for as long as I can remember. I guess it's my way of knowing how far I've come and how far I've still got to go. For example, I decided that I would do the 30 day plank challenge (The plank is a balance and core conditioning exercise. You can also perform the plank as a stand-alone exercise. The full plank, where you balance on both arms.) which means every day you do a plank for a certain amount of time, building up until after 30 days, you can do a plank for 5 minutes. I am up to being able to do one and half minutes. Anyway, Andy is doing it with me but when he is timing me, I ask him to count by 5 seconds out loud. He doesn't understand why I do it like that. He prefers to do it with just the music playing and for me to say "Stop" when his time is up. I need to know how far I've got to go so that I can hold out for that long. Doing a plank is not my idea of fun but it's a challenge and believe me, as soon as I get to the "Stop", I stop, collapse, laugh and feel relieved that it's over for the day.

As stated before, I am content. I was thinking about what it means to be content and I think sometimes people misunderstand it as being complacent. I am content but I keep moving forward and aim for more: more understanding, more learning, yes, even more fun and money if I can. I take the time to enjoy what I already have and try not to take it for granted. I share when I can because I love to see others enjoy life too. Last week during my holidays, I invited my friend Jane to come and play with Lucky and gave her three sons rides and 'lessons' in riding. The boys especially loved riding Lucky. They wore their cowboy boots, shirts and jeans and listened carefully to what they needed to know about holding the reins. I invited another older friend to bring her husband who is in a retirement home to come and enjoy Lucky, too. They were surprised that Lucky would just stand there even when I walked away.

Next week I am having a birthday and have invited friends around. I have parties not so I can be the center of attention but rather so that I can see all my friends at the same time and they can all meet each other and have fun together. Any excuse will do. Next week I am planning to ride to school on Lucky with a student who has her own horse. I keep Lucky at her parents' place and we've done a practice ride already. We are both looking forward to it. I hope to go and ride tomorrow and try out a small saddle bag I bought that can keep our water bottles and my phone safe and accessible, while I ride.

If you have followed my journey, you know that life hasn't always been easy for me and it has certainly had its challenges! There's been change, pain, grief and loneliness but I chose not to stay stuck there. I have tried to make choices that are congruent with the gifts and abilities that God has given me and that allow me to do things that I am passionate about. I  do feel incredibly blessed to have so much: love, family, friends, a class that I love teaching, sports I love playing, the ability to play and do things I enjoy. Andy has been an amazing support to me and I am extremely thankful for the relationship we share together.

The other day, Lucky took me by surprise and bit me. We think he had a sore spot so when I brushed him, it hurt. I got a big bruise and have taken photos and told an acquaintance I was thinking of putting the photo on Facebook. She turned to me and said, "You need to get a life!" My other friend who was there, shook her head after the acquaintance had gone and I said, "Not sure what more I could fit into my life. Sometimes I struggle as it is to get everything done." I wish I could finish this post off with a pithy saying or a motivational quote but I'm out of words for now and just know that I am thankful and content for so many reasons.



Unknown said...

You do have a life that you graciously share with your friends around the world through Facebook and this blog. Thank you from one of your friends across the sea.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for being you.Russell