Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wish I Was More Motivated

Assignment two is due in on Wednesday and although it's only 1,000 words and only worth 20% I am finding it hard to get motivated. I only just passed my first assignment in this subject and was very disappointed as I felt I had put a lot of work into it, used more references and done better than my assignments in basic counseling. Admittedly, I knew this lecturer might be a bit tougher since the week before he gave us our results, he sent an email out saying how disappointed he was in the quality of our assignments but it still hurt to not do so well. I do feel like quitting even though I know I want to complete this course successfully. I will get the assignment done but I am also teaching full time now so I have to prioritise and be more self-disciplined in my life style. Hopefully I will be able to muddle through the last couple of weeks of this term and prepare more adequately for next term's work and study.

Andy and I had a lovely weekend at the Gold Coast. We had a lot of fun together and it does feel like we've known each other for a lot longer than we have. I was talking to him earlier today and said I would call him when I had had enough of study and he knowing me quite well said, "So in about ten minutes?" When we were at the Gold Coast on the weekend, we did a lot of fun activities and one of the things I liked best was that he was willing to go on a horse trail ride with me even though he had never been horse riding before. He enjoyed the ride and he understands how important riding is to me.

Andy is a great guy who gives me gifts, compliments me and encourages me. He seems to be understanding when I use defense mechanisms to protect myself from getting hurt and does what he can to reassure me that he really does care about me and thinks I am special. It is good to have so much in common and yet also have our own areas of interest. I like it that he has so much knowledge and a willingness to learn. I respect and admire his Christian faith and the way he lives his life. We have fun together and laugh a lot and even when I am feeling discouraged, he looks for ways to build me up. Anyway, time will tell what our friendship develops into but at the moment, we are just going to enjoy being boyfriend/girlfriend. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear you have a friend. NO matter what happens it's always good to have friends.
