Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year! 2013

Happy New Year!
I did not see the new year in but I woke up and it was January 1st 2013.
As I look back on 2012 I can say that I give a sigh of relief that it’s over. It was a challenging year, lots of tears, heartache and a lot of questions. Nearly every day I would get up and go through the motions hoping that eventually I would ‘live’ again and want to get up.
I know that God is good all the time and that He has remained faithful throughout 2012. He has walked beside me, holding me and carrying me when I had no strength to get up and go on. He has provided me with everything I needed including people who loved me even when I was unlovable, people who understood that I was hurting even though they couldn’t fully comprehend the pain and He has given me joys and surprising moments of laughter to brighten up the bleak days.
I have no idea what 2013 holds! I don’t have a job or even the prospect of a job as yet but I have saved enough money and God provides so that it is not a major concern yet. It means I can take some time perhaps to refocus, explore a little, take time to grow and learn to live again. I pray that as the days unfold, God will make His purpose in my life known to me.

Thank you for your continued love, support and prayers. Thank you for not giving up on me even when I am all prickly and irritable. I pray that God will continue to bless you in 2013 as you see His will in your life. I know that God is faithful and He loves us so much that it is beyond our comprehension. No matter what happens, God is good ALL the time!

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