Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Words I Spoke at Dave's Memorial Service - 6th August 2011

To my very loved husband.
At a time like this, I cannot find the words to ever describe how much I loved, respected and felt for you.
I said to you last week, "You are my hero" and you kinda laughed disbelievingly and said, "Yeah right".  But you are.  You give with your heart and hands.  I tell everyone proudly "If it needs to be fixed, Dave can fix it, find a way to fix it or find out how it can be fixed.  There have been so many times you've fixed something and I cannot  think of a time you couldn't fix something.

In your last few days especially, your contentment and love for me was clearly evident in your actions, words and touch.  As I held you, only moments before you collapsed, rubbing your back, holding you, I thought. "He is finally used to me.  He is finally, not only allowing me to love him the way I want to love him, but he is enjoying it and wanting it."  Your last 2 or 3 days at home since you weren't  working, you wanted me to be with you every moment I could be.  When you hurt, you looked at me for courage and reassurance.  When you felt joy, your eyes lit up, you smiled and excitedly shared your joy with me, knowing it was our joy.

You became confident in my love and I am so thankful for the privilege of loving you. 

It wasn't an easy 14 months of marriage but we got through it because we loved each other and looked forward to better times.  You began to dream with me, make plans and really knew they would happen.  You were content to sit on the porch swing with me, walk with me, sit with me, just be with me and you held me in your arms with strength and confidence.

We had so much but I wanted to have more moments and years with you.  I gave you everything I could wrapped up with all the love I had.
Today I am here, feeling honored to be called, "Dave's wife".  I never doubted you loved me and if I had to do it all over again, knowing that it would only be such a short time, I would still do it again.

Dearly loved husband of mine
Always and all yours
Very diligent and hard working
Enjoying precious times together

Forever will you hold a place in my heart
Loved deeply, more deeply than I ever thought possible
Only time will lessen these tears and the pain
Why God chose to take you from  me so soon, I don't know
Even so, I trust Him to hold me close now
Resting in the knowledge He is in control.. We are
Separated for this time, but always, ALWAYS knowing  we loved each other so much!