Saturday, June 11, 2022

Moving Forward Reflections

 Two years later and you might have thought I'd forgotten about this blogsite. In the last 2 years I focused on writing "The Adventures of Dovic" for my students which you can read in the link at this page and occasionally I wrote a post for "Horses, Teaching and Other Important Things" as well as wrote short stories. Eighteen months ago, Andy and I moved to a regional area where I took up a new teaching post and we settled into country life. 

I keep a horse at my friend/colleague's place and we ride whenever we are able. Milly is now 9.5 years old and although she is getting older, she still has energy and loves to walk along the river with Andy.

Andy and I enjoy riding bikes and I upgraded from my hybrid/road bike to a mountain bike. We have explored different sections of the rail trail as well as ride around home. I fell off my bike - first time as an adult - about 6 or so weeks ago and got a few bruises and bumps which healed in time. 

My reason for writing today is I want to acknowledge my mum who passed away 23 years ago today. I still miss her. 

Mum always believed in me and I could turn to her no matter what and know that she would listen and be fair. She might not have agreed with me but her love was unconditional. 

So many times I wish I could pick up the phone and call her. I know she would listen to my venting and would offer me sage advice. 

As I near the age she was when she passed away, I reflect on life being a privilege and the importance of making the most of every day.

Earlier this week I was getting an ultrasound and x-ray on my shoulder as I have bursitis and a subacromial impingement (I think) which causes a lot of pain, although I had a cortisone injection 6 weeks ago which has helped. The lady doing the x-ray this week, shared her story with me: Her father had passed away when she was 2 and her mum had always impressed upon her the importance of making the most of every day, not taking it for granted and living life to the fullest.

Tomorrow is the date Dave and I were married 12 years ago and he passed away almost 13 months later. I am thankful we met and married and although it was such a short time, our marriage continues to influence who I am and reminds me to love and value my family and friends. 

Life has its challenges. Sometimes I get discouraged and it takes effort to not give up. At those times, God reminds me of what is important and who I am blessed to have in my life. At those times, I put one foot in front of the other and push myself to keep moving forward.

I thank God for the people He has brought into my life.