Wednesday, August 5, 2015

One Less Stress

Well, I have officially unenrolled from doing a subject this semester at Uni. The subject, "Emotional and Behavioural Problems of Children and Adolescents" involves a lot of intense work, reading as well as a case study and although I was looking forward to it, I have decided that I needed to prioritise getting back to my physical health. This is week 3 and already I am behind in the readings which is adding to my stress.

I went to see a 'new' doctor today who my friend recommended me to see and this new doctor is very thorough. My blood pressure was high which is unusual for me and it could have been because I was anxious about seeing a new doctor. She has my medical records and knows that it was unusually high. In addition, she has suggested I have an X-ray on my left leg which is still hurting since the accident and even more so since she prodded it and pushed it. She thinks I may have bursitis. As I have been getting breathless after some activity, she has also said I need to have an ECG. She said I need to build up to doing exercise/activity so that I am doing it six times a week. I was feeling discouraged after my visit to the doctor even though she didn't surprise me with what she said.

I want/need to focus on getting healthy again and I am very fortunate to be married to a man who will do all he can to support me. Andy is willing to do whatever it takes and I know that if I need someone to walk with, swim with, play squash with, ride my bike with, he will be there to encourage me and share it with. In addition, I am going to take up water aerobics with a friend from work which will also help. I am glad I have taken this semester off as I was worried about how I could fit this in and now that I am not doing the study, I actually feel like a burden has been lifted. I can continue my studies next semester and will probably have more energy to do it.

On another note, Andy and I had a lovely time away recently. We enjoyed spending time with Nathan and Melanie while we were in Victoria and had fun sight seeing, doing new things and just having an adventure together. We walked along the beach, took photos of koalas that were so close, I could have patted one, climbed trees, and admired different views of mountains, beaches and rainforests. So much beauty to explore and enjoy!

The next school term is under way and I am really enjoying teaching my class. They are responsive and love learning. Some of them think I should be 'stricter' but I'm not sure what they mean by that - they get in trouble when they do something wrong and people often comment on how quiet my class works! Looking forward to the rest of the year with them.