Thursday, July 9, 2015

Along the Road

Going along the road of life, one faces corners, bends and hills.
Reality is we don't know what's ahead and
Especially how much further it might be.
And so we drive on and on, 
Taking in the sights and anticipating the destination ahead.

On and on the road goes
Crossing over bridges, driving around unknown curves,
Enjoying the views, taking photos of the memorable
And talking, getting to know those who are with you on the same journey
Nurturing, encouraging and loving each other.

Roads can have their ups and downs and even 
Obstacles. Wildlife can jump in front of the car
And graze alongside the road so it's best to
Drive carefully and enjoy every unique moment.

Driving along the road during our travels, I thought of how it is like driving along the road of life and although it's a cliche and perhaps a corny way of thinking, to me it really is like that. Sometimes the road seems very long but you keep driving, hoping to make the destination sooner, rather than later. You get tired and need encouragement to keep going. That encouragement can come from someone else offering to drive for a bit or stopping when you see a koala in the tree and you take a photo. It can come from knowing that there's not much further to go and that the arrival will make the trip worthwhile.

The past few months have been very difficult for me and sometimes I feel torn between wanting to give up and run away and wanting to stay and make a difference. My uni study has been challenging but my friend Sharyn has given me invaluable help and I was so excited when I got my final grade for this subject which was the best yet so far in my Masters. Andy is so good to me and it's nice to come home from a long day at work, knowing that he believes in me and thinks I can do it - whatever 'it' is. I have some good friends who call and/or message me to find out how my day was and they are an incredible encouragement to me. There are people who love me and take the time to find out how I am 'really' and I appreciate that.

I am constantly reminded to make the most of every opportunity and be thankful for every good gift/blessing that is given to me. <-- Those are the things that encourage me to keep going when life is tough. Last week, when were on holidays, the cleaning lady was very friendly and before we left, I wrote her a note to thank her. As we were driving away, she came back out to the car with tears in her eyes and thanked me. I have no idea what she might be going through but I pray she finds hope in her life. I know there are friends around me who have struggles and trials in their life too and like my mum used to say, "Each pain is your own and you can't compare it to others."  So, keep driving forward but take a break and enjoy the scenery when you can. Remember that ad: "Break the drive. Stay alive."