Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I started writing this blog a couple weeks ago but got distracted and busy and left it here in draft form so I will edit it now and hope to post it by the end of this night. When I started typing it, Andy was sitting watching Formula One racing on TV getting his 'sports fix' as he was up visiting here for the weekend. While he was absorbed in the racing, I painted his 2 big toenails, one with a pink heart, the other with a pink C. It may not look pretty but it was fun. He is very tolerant.

When I was writing up my last assignment for this semester, as usual I procrastinated, struggled, stayed up late (but not too late) and got very tired. Andy got on Skype since he lives interstate and while I studied, he read a book and watched TV but kept an encouraging eye on me. One night we had a conversation like this:

Me: My brain is dead. Can I stop studying now?
Andy: If your brain was dead you couldn't talk, now get back to study. 

(some more work was done until....)
Andy: Stop playing games on Facebook and work on your assignment. I can tell by your eyes you're playing games.

 Me: I can't think of what to write.
Andy: Get a drink, eat a snack, take a quick break then get back to your assignment.

 Me: I want to go to bed. I'm tired.
Andy: You need to have 2 evaluations done and then you can go to bed.
Me: I've finished 2 now and only have one to go.
Andy: Well done! I'm proud of you. I think you're amazing to be working full time and studying. You have a lot on your plate. You're doing great.
(a bit of silence then he adds....)
If we get married, are you going to be 'like this' every time you have an assignment to do?
Me: What does it matter? You can cope with it.

I tried to tell him that I really appreciated him sitting up with me on Skype for the few nights that he did and how unique he was but he seemed to think that any partner would do the same thing. I told him that wasn't so. He is very patient.

We went bowling and I was not playing very well whereas Andy was getting strike after strike. After one particularly poor bowl on my part, I turned and looked at Andy and I could see by the look on his face that he was trying to find something positive to say. When I told him not to worry about it, that there was nothing good about that bowl, the look of relief on his face made me laugh. We then went and played a couple of games of air hockey. He had never played it before and it's a favourite game of mine. I figured that at least I could redeem myself by winning that game but no, he won at that too. The thing is, even though he's competitive he is not malicious and even when he is winning, he doesn't gloat. He is a good sport about it and actually enjoys just playing the games with me. He is very encouraging.

One morning, he was up early playing with Milly, watching TV and getting things packed for later that day as were going to the river. While I was sleeping, he crept into my room with Milly (my puppy) on his heels and placed a couple of slices of banana cake that he had baked, next to my bed. There was also a chocolate coated oval thing that I mistook for being a raspberry licorice 'bullet'. (candy) I bit into it and it crunched and exploded with a vile taste. I ran to the kitchen sink and threw  it up. He asked me what was wrong and when I explained it to him, he laughed. He had put my vitamin tablet there, not a bullet and he couldn't understand why I hadn't noticed the difference.

That afternoon we had a lovely time swimming and soaking up the sun at a lake. Milly came in the water with us and it was the first time she had ever been swimming. It was very relaxing and refreshing. Poor Andy though! Milly kept jumping on his back and swimming up to him and she really needs her nails cut! Andy's back got all scratched up but when I expressed that I was sorry she did it, he said, "She's a puppy. They always have sharper nails and she didn't know she was hurting me. She was just playing." Before he left to go back home, I noticed he left a note for me reminding me to get her nails cut.

When Andy needs to talk to me about something that concerns him, he speaks to me gently and carefully. He calls it a 'fight' whereas I would just call it a disagreement and he doesn't ever put me down and always speaks to me in a respectful and loving way.

As I said earlier, sometimes it surprises me how good Andy is. I am so glad that he has come into my life and helped me do things that I haven't enjoyed for a long time. It is good to be able to laugh and share fun times with someone who accepts me and enjoys similar things. I am thankful for Andy.